The Hate U Give Book Trailer

Our midterm assignment was to create a book trailer. I am putting a copy of the work here although it has already been graded because my professor thought it was really good. I do wish I had saved that credit screen to fix those hyperlinks. Also didn’t have time to put in any book reviews or award mentioning in the project because we had to keep it under a minute.  Further, I wish I had more control over the timings. Windows Movie Maker no longer exists for Windows 10 (one of the software options we were encouraged to use) so I had to use the windows photos program or else be stuck with someone’s “free” logo throughout my project.  Hope you enjoy it and maybe it will encourage you to read the book or create your own book trailers.


I am a graduate student writing book reviews for graded assignments for my MLS degree and a very new librarian (newbarian) for a small public library branch.

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